Can Human Pain Medication, Tramadol, Give My Dog Relief from Osteoarthritis?
Answer: Tramadol alone does not provide significant pain relief in dogs with osteoarthritis.
Answer: Tramadol alone does not provide significant pain relief in dogs with osteoarthritis.
Spring flowers are in full bloom—and so are seasonal allergies. But while you’re sneezing and sniffling, your dog is scratching, biting, and licking. Let’s explore some reasons why your dog is itchy.
Veterinary cardiologists are veterinary specialists who solely focus on treatment and diagnosis of diseases of the cardiovascular system.
April is Heartworm Awareness Month! And many pet parents mistakenly stop heartworm prevention in the winter. Keep it going!
April is Lyme Disease Prevention Month! Lyme disease is transmitted when your dog is bitten by an infected deer tick. Then what?
As you take your multivitamin in the mornings, you may sometimes wonder whether you should be giving a vitamin supplement to your dog, as well.
Here are five of the most inspiring dog photo accounts on Instagram to look for creative ideas.
Are you the proud dog parent of a poodle, labradoodle, or westie? You may want to take a look at this recent research study.
This is a great question to consider when you’re thinking about the breed of the pet that joins your family.
Learn what you should expect when your dog has a dental procedure.
The Daily Dog is brought to you by Ollie. We synthesize content from pet experts around the world, so you have the necessary information to give your dog the longest and healthiest life possible.