
PetArmor not only protects your pets from fleas and ticks with vet-quality, easy-to-find products but also focuses on your pet’s total health and wellness. Two million pet parents trust PetArmor.


PetArmor not only protects your pets from fleas and ticks with vet-quality, easy-to-find products but also focuses on your pet’s total health and wellness. Two million pet parents trust PetArmor.

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PetArmor 7 Way Dewormer for Dogs
Also Great:

  • Treats and controls seven worm species, including two types of tapeworms, two types of roundworms, and three types of hookworms
  • Safe and effective for puppies as young as 12 weeks old
  • Veterinary prescription is not required to purchase PetArmor 7 Way Dewormer for your dog
  • Comes in a palatable, easy-to-administer, chewable tablet

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