The Daily Dog is brought to you by Ollie. We synthesize content from pet experts around the world, so you have the necessary information to give your dog the longest and healthiest life possible.
The first cervical (neck) vertebra. It looks different from all other vertebrae. It interacts with the skull and the 2nd cervical vertebrae to allow dogs to turn their head
Also known as atopy, atopic dermatitis is an allergic, itchy, skin disease that comes from the body overreacting to common allergens like pollens, house dust mites, or mold spores
Aural means ears and hematoma means bruise. When a blood vessel in the dog’s ear flap, or pinna, gets damaged (often by too much head shaking), it can cause the flap to partially or completely fill up with blood. The ear flap may look and feel like a small pillow. The extra weight of the earflap can be uncomfortable
Pain relief medication
Having a low red blood cell count
Relates to inside the cheek
When a dog adorably pokes the tip of its tongue past its front teeth
Officially called “gastric dilatation volvulus.” This is a potentially life threatening emergency when a dog’s stomach fills with gas, food, or fluid and then twists. Signs include non-productive retching and gagging
Bordetella bronchiseptica is one of the causative agents of Kennel Cough. It is very contagious and can easily spread at dog parks, doggy daycare, and grooming facilities
A tiny bark! It’s how your doggo says hello
Having a broad, short skull. Think of the breeds with “squished,” short noses like pugs, bulldogs, etc
Veterinary acronym meaning “bright, alert, and responsive,” meaning the pet seems to be doing well and not having any issues
Body Condition Score. This is a scale usually from 1-9 that a veterinary team uses to determine if your dog is healthy weight. 1 is too skinny, 5 is ideal, and 9 is a hecking chonk
The bacteria that is the causative agent of Lyme disease
This is the term for when barium (a white liquid that shows up bright white, or radiopaque, on a radiograph) is given orally prior to taking radiographs. This technique is useful when looking for abnormalities such as megaesophagus and GI foreign bodies
A cute yet very round pupper
Ligament in the knee that provides stability to the joint. Tearing a cruciate ligament is a common injury in dogs and is similar to an athlete tearing their ACL
Also called protrusion of the gland of the third eyelid. A gland in the third eyelid becomes inflamed and appears in the corner of a dog’s eyes as an angry, red mass
A condition where either one (unilateral) or both (bilateral) of a dog’s testicles don’t descend into the scrotum
Complete Blood Count. This test looks at red and white blood cells to look for evidence of infection or inflammation
Ingestion of feces
Inflammation of the conjunctival tissue that surrounds the eyes. The eyes often become red and swollen from irritation. Also known as pink eye
This is a term that refers to the heart’s inability to pump blood to the body properly. This can be either right-sided or left-sided. Small breed dogs, such as the Cavalier King Charles spaniel, chihuahua, shih tzu, maltese, and toy poodles are more prone to develop this condition
Also called hyperadrenocorticism. This happens when the body produces too much of a hormone called cortisol. This condition is more common in older dogs. Some signs include increased thirst, increased urination, patchy hair loss, thin skin, and having a pot belly appearance, just to name a few
This is when a cloudy film covers the lens of the eye, just like in humans. They are mostly caused by aging and diabetes
Inflammation of the skin (dermis)
A group of fungi that can be found living in skin, hair, and nails
When a dog makes a goofy face
A skin condition caused by a parasitic mite (demodex canis) in the hair follicles
The first digit on the paw that has no function
Away from the center of the body, e.g., toenails are on the distal tips of toes
A fun nickname for all dogs
A condition of abnormal growth or development. The most common type of dysplasia is hip dysplasia found in large breed dogs
A condition where the mother has difficulty giving birth to her puppies
A serious condition where a dog is having difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
The muscular tissue that separates the chest from the abdomen
Tearing or puncture of the diaphragm. This can be caused by genetics or blunt force trauma. The organs of the abdomen enter the chest cavity through the hole or tear of the diaphragm. The abdominal organs compress the lungs and make for difficult breathing. The heart muscle may also become irritated, causing arrhythmias
A condition where the lower eyelids droop and turn away from the eyes. Most commonly found in Basset Hounds and other hound dogs like boxers, bulldogs, chow chows, cocker spaniels, great danes, mastiffs, and newfoundlands
The collection of fluid in tissue which causes swelling
The act of vomiting
A condition where the eyelids roll inwards to the eye causing eyelashes to rub on the eye itself. Most commonly found in bulldogs, hounds, retrievers, spaniels, and terriers
The removal of an entire organ, most commonly used to describe surgery to remove an eyeball
A nose bleed
Inflammation of the intestines, most commonly the small intestine
An abundantly fluffy pup
A test that uses orange dye applied to the eye along with the use of a specialized light to look for foreign objects, scratches, or ulcers on the surface of the eye
When your pet has too much yeast living around their feet, the odor can smell like Frito chips
A fine needle aspirate. This is where a needle is used to collect a few cells from a tissue or mass so they can be evaluated under a microscope
A surgical procedure in which the head and neck of the femur is removed. This surgery is performed to help alleviate hip pain and restore mobility. This surgery is typically done when dogs have fractures involving the hip, hip dislocation, and severe arthritis
When you fall in love with a dog you are fostering and decide to adopt him or her
A condition where the stomach and small intestine become inflamed. Signs can include vomiting, diarrhea, and loss of appetite
Also known as Bloat. This is a potentially life threatening emergency when a dog’s stomach fills with gas, food, or fluid and then twists. Signs include non-productive retching and gagging
A surgery often done in large breed dogs where the stomach is tacked to the side of the body wall to prevent rotation and GDV
How your dog walks. If your dog is limping, your vet will ask them to walk back and forth so the vet can perform a gait analysis
The time between conception and birth… pregnancy
A disease or condition that occurs quickly and without any known cause
One of the sections of the small intestines located between the jejunum and the cecum
Acronym for intravenous which means into or within the vein. A catheter or syringe and needle can be used to give medications or fluids intravenously
Providing protection against a disease through vaccinations. The immune system responds to the immunization to protect the body from future exposure
Illness caused by or related to medical treatment…. such as iatrogenic Cushing’s disease caused by long-term steroid use
A medical condition in which a part of the intestine folds into the section immediately ahead of it. Think of how a telescope is closed
A condition in which the skin and/or mucous membranes become yellow due to excess amounts of bilirubin
Another part of the small intestine located between the duodenum and the ileum
Big floppy lips, often rather drooly. Think St. Bernards, newfies, and mastiffs
An eye condition in which the cornea becomes inflamed
The technical term for dry eye. This condition results from a lack of tear production in the lacrimal glands or third eyelid glands
The umbrella term for Canine Infectious Respiratory Disease Complex. It is very contagious and can easily spread at dog parks, doggy daycare, and grooming facilities. The most common sign is a honking cough
Means to the side or on the side of. If your pet is lying on their side they are lying laterally
Meaning toward the middle or the center of the body
The sound your dog’s tongue makes when it flicks out and back in
Abnormal heartbeat sounds caused by irregular blood flow in the heart
Term for the lower jaw
Term for the upper jaw
A condition in which the esophagus dilates and loses motility. This condition causes food and water to accumulate in the esophagus, making it difficult to move into the stomach
A condition causing abnormal weakness of certain muscles
A medical procedure used to collect a small sample for diagnostic testing by inserting a needle into tissue
The involuntary movement of the eyes, typically associated with vestibular disease
Kidney stone
To affectionately rub your face on someone or something
The surgical removal of the claw or claws of an animal
Surgical removal of one or both testicles, akaneuter
The technical term for a spay surgery. A surgical procedure in which the ovaries and uterus are removed, making the female unable to reproduce or go through heat cycles
A medical condition in which the pancreas becomes inflamed. Symptoms of pancreatitis in dogs include lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, decreased appetite, fever and abdominal pain
A term for the kneecap
A skin infection with the formation of pus
An infection of the uterus. Symptoms include lethargy, fever, anorexia, increased thirst and/or urination, vaginal discharge, bloated appearance and overall discomfort
Term for drooling
Wart-like growth, usually non-cancerous
Closest to a center point of the body, e.g., The shoulder is proximal to the elbow
Discharging, containing, or consisting of pus
A veterinary acronym meaning “quiet, alert, responsive.” This means that the pet is doing well, but still a bit sluggish
If a medical condition arises that could be spread to other animals or people, an animal can be placed in an area where it cannot infect others
An image of internal organs or skeletal system produced using a plate or computer system using x-rays
Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose
An abbreviation for Respiratory Rate. It’s the number of breaths taken per minute. One respiration is one exhale and inhale
Indicating the area of the head towards the nose
A position in which the patient is lying on their side
A skin condition caused by a sarcoptes mite that burrows just beneath the skin. It is also known as scabies and is a zoonotic disease meaning it can be passed between species
A non-cancerous growth just beneath the skin typically resulting from a blocked skin gland
Loveable term for your dog’s super cute nose
When your pet lies flat out on their belly with their legs stretched out behind them
A dog so small it’s squeezable
A condition in which the vertebrae degenerate
Acronym for subcutaneous, which indicates the area below or underneath the skin
A dog’s knee
An abnormally rapid heart rate
A medical term for rapid breathing
Another term for a hairball
Applied to the skin
Acronym for “upper respiratory infection” illness caused by infection of the nose, sinuses, pharynx and larynx
Relating to a dog’s toenail
A urinalysis. A urine test looking for crystals or other signs of infection and inflammation in the bladder
A diagnostic imaging test that uses sound waves to create a picture (aka a sonogram) of the internal organs. Most commonly used on the abdomen to look for foreign bodies, masses, or signs of pancreatitis
A disorder of the neurons typically resulting in symptoms such as circling, loss of balance, and general wobbliness
Obtaining blood from a vein usually with a syringe and needle
Having puppies
An electromagnetic wave used to produce images seen on radiographs
A class of sweetner known as sugar alcohol that is highly toxic to dogs
A cartilaginous piece at the end of the sternum
A fungi that is normally found on the skin of our pets. It becomes an issue when the amount of yeast present becomes excessive leading to an infection
A short cry, often due to pain or excitement
Explosions of high energy and excitement that can be displayed by running in random patterns very quickly or in fast circles
An infectious disease that can be transferred between species
The bone that makes up the top of the eye socket
Defining both the official and… unofficial terms you’ll need to know as a pup parent.
Defining both the official and… unofficial terms you’ll need to know as a pup parent.
The Daily Dog is brought to you by Ollie. We synthesize content from pet experts around the world, so you have the necessary information to give your dog the longest and healthiest life possible.